Cedar Lake (Cedar Swamp Pond) is located in the towns of Bristol and Wolcott and is approximately 135 acres in size.
The lake has a long history from its transformation from Cedar Swamp Pond, where a few cottages were constructed in the early 1900’s, to a community that is now the Cedar Lake Owners Association (CLOA).
The Mad River Company was formed by the brass industry and other companies in the Waterbury area that required water for their manufacturing processes. A dam was raised around 1907 to create a reservoir known as Cedar Swamp Pond.
In the 1960’s an organization was created called the Cedar Lake Protective Association (CLPA). CLPA was made up of lake area residents who leased the lake from the Mad River Company to manage it for recreational use.
CLOA was created in 1986 when the residents purchased the lake from the Mad River Company. CLOA currently has 137 members
The CLOA Membership Boundary as described in the Bylaws is shown by the red line on the map below

Historical Information on Cedar Lake complied by Peter Marcoux
Cedar Swamp-Pond-Lake & The Mad River Bibliographic Timeline
Historical Photos